
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mining For Special Ores In Wow

Mining is not only used to get ore and gems for recipes but it also has uses as far as questing is concerned. There are several ores spread throughout the game that are for quests, some of them you can get without mining as a drop, but all of them can be mined. There are currently 4 ore's that can be mined that are for quests and they are: Incendicite Ore, Lesser Bloodstone Ore, Indurium Ore, and Rethban Ore.

Incendicite Ore

This mineral is used for the quest Search for Incendicite. It requires skill level 65 to mine and can be found in Wetlands. The quest, Search for Incendicite, begins in Dun Morogh. The best place to get Incendicite Ore is the cave in southern wetlands.

Lesser Bloodstone Ore

This mineral is used for the quest Favor of Krazek. It requires a mining skill of at least 75. The best place to get it is in the cave in the Northeastern part of Arathi Highlands.

Indurium Ore

This mineral is used for the quest Indurium Ore. You will need a skill level of at least 150 to mine it. It can be found inside the instance of Uldaman.

Rethban Ore

This mineral is used for the Alliance Quest called Rethban Ore. It can be mined from tin veins that occur inside the caves northwest of Lakeshire. However, mining is not required to get this item, you can also get it as a drop from the Redridge Drudgers in the caves.

So in a nutshell, while not commonly mined for or required, there are special ores that exist in World of Warcraft.
in Computer Games